Luncheon with Reverend John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. '76 '78M.A. President - University of Notre Dame University Club of Chicago October 22, 2007 Emcee Ann Therese Darin Palmer '73, '75 MBA President - Thanking Father Ted Foundation Grace Before Luncheon Cecilia Prinster '76 President-Elect Notre Dame Alumni Association 2007-2008 Introduction of Father Hesburgh Mary Hesburgh Flaherty '79 Director - Thanking Father Ted Foundation Introduction of Father Jenkins Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh '39 Retired President - University of Notre Dame (by speaker phone) "Notre Dame Coeducation: Past, Present and Future" Father Jenkins Thank Yous/"Get The Book" The Honorable Sheila O'Brien '77 '80J.D. Justice - Illinois Appellate Court Grace After Luncheon Anne Thompson '79 Chief Environmental Correspondent - NBC News Special Guests Richard (and Peggy) Notebaert Chairman, University of Notre Dame Board of Trustees Andrew J. McKenna '51, '89Honorary Former Chairman, University of Notre Dame Board of Trustees Kathleen Andrews '63M.S. Former Vice-Chairman, University Notre Dame Board of Trustees W. Douglas (and Cathy) Ford '66 University of Notre Dame Trustee Shirley Ryan University of Notre Dame Fellow and Trustee John Sandner '68 J.D. University of Notre Dame Trustee The Honorable Ann C. Williams '75 J.D. University of Notre Dame Trustee Judge - U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit Donald Stephan '64 representing the family of Edmund F. Stephan '33 Former Chairman, University of Notre Dame Board of Trustees 1967-1982 Elizabeth Brown '08 University of Notre Dame Student Body President Maris Braun '08 University of Notre Dame Student Body Vice-President WATCH THE LUNCHEON NOW BY CLICKING ON THE BUTTON BELOW http://streaming.nd.edu/coeducation/thankingfrted/chicago.wmv (34:46) Note: You must have Window Media Player (a free download) installed on your computer